I just have to say a big thank you to my beloved friend "Facebook" for reuniting me with so many of my old friends! It is so hard to believe how many people I have found on there. Which brings me to my big night out with the old gang from Christ the King school which I attended 4th through 8th grade. It was a private school so our class was with each other each and every grade so we never were seperated and needless to say we were family. I was able to get in touch with so many of them through facebook and some of them I hadn't seen in 19 years. Our big 20 year runion is next year. What is so crazy about it is that almost everyone is still living in Arizona! So there were 11 of us that met up at Cadillac Ranch in Tempe Marketplace Friday night and it was just like old times. All the stories that we were all telling, I was laughing so hard I would cry. What's funny is that obviously we have all changed in 19 years with being married, kids, work ect... but just being around everyone and talking and "remember this and that" we were just as close as we ever were that night! It's like we just picked up where we left off 20 years ago. Some people looked exactly the same, talked the same and had the same laugh! It was such a blessing to me to have the opportunity to have them back in my life.